
This website is the wholly owned property of the Judeo-Christian Foundation (JCF) based in British Columbia, Canada. The opinions and views expressed herein by JCF board members only are the sole official representation of our teaching. Comments made by readers and/or viewers of the public in the feedback/dialogue sections of this website may not reflect our views and/or biblically sound teachings, but are included to facilitate discussion.

Jeff Patton
Journalist, author of  Walk a Straight Path in a Crooked World, documentary filmmaker, and an episkopos (elder/bishop/guardian) in the Church of God, Jeff serves presently in Nanaimo, BC.

His blog builds upon a foundation of previous writing that focuses on teaching the moral logic of the universe as found in the Judeo-Christian scriptures. There is much confusion today about how to live “happily ever after.” But we  don’t want to live our lives based on fairy tales, myths and the politically correct fads of today, but by the wisdom that has been proven and preserved over the last 4,000 years.

Jeff encourages believers to embrace the principle of sola scriptura and look to the scriptures for the wisdom for life’s walk, because there is no other source of spiritual truth. There is a need to live today with our feet firmly on this solid rock of truth and our eyes focused on a vision of the world tomorrow.

You can find out more about Jeff here on our sister site COGWebcast
